With the clothes on my back and a dream. I came to America at the age of 19 to attend Michigan State. During the summer break, I returned to China to visit my family. With me, I had the precious book of the bible, which was a gift to my Christian Grandmother. A few days later, My Grandmother and I were arrested for having the American version of the bible. After spending two weeks in jail, we were released on bail.
I was facing persecution, therefore my parents urged me to leave China and to never return. I'll never forget those heart wrenching words before my departure "Do Not Return." Can you imagine your parents telling you to never return home, out of fear of persecution? I have yet to return to China and don’t see returning in the near future. My home in America is a sacrifice for my freedom.
Buying and selling textbooks was my first business in America. Three years later, I sold the business to purchase my first grocery store. Employing 3 people. Today, I own 9 grocery stores. Providing livelihood for more than 500 families. Now, if that is not the power of America, then I don’t know what it is!
As your Florida state senator, I will make sure that everyone before and after me will have the same opportunities to accomplish their dreams. BE BOLD. BE PROUD. KEEP FLORIDA FREE!